in Australia have three subfields, the first is the Aboriginal Archaeology
(studies Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, before and after European
colonization), historical Archaeology (studying the facts that occurred after
European colonization) and Maritime Archaeology. These subdisciplines of bridge
is the important concept of the management of Cultural Heritage comprising
Aboriginal and Islander sites of Torres Strait, historic sites and maritime
The Australian
Archaeological Association Inc. (AAA) is an archaeological site in Australia, created by the government
to promote the archeology.
Membership is open to anyone interested in the promotion of archeology in Australia, a definition that includes prehistoric archeology, historical and industrial archeology, (although not overlap here with the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology) ethno-archeology and marine archeology, while there are no limitations on the composition,
The aim of the Association is further archeology in Australia with the stated purpose: ... to promote the advancement of archeology, to provide an organization for the discussion and dissemination of archaeological information and ideas, to convene meetings at regular intervals to publicize the need for the study and preservation of archaeological sites and collections, and , to publicize the work of the Association
The Association publishes refereed Archaeology of Australia, published since 1974
Membership is open to anyone interested in the promotion of archeology in Australia, a definition that includes prehistoric archeology, historical and industrial archeology, (although not overlap here with the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology) ethno-archeology and marine archeology, while there are no limitations on the composition,
The aim of the Association is further archeology in Australia with the stated purpose: ... to promote the advancement of archeology, to provide an organization for the discussion and dissemination of archaeological information and ideas, to convene meetings at regular intervals to publicize the need for the study and preservation of archaeological sites and collections, and , to publicize the work of the Association
The Association publishes refereed Archaeology of Australia, published since 1974
This is a list of some archaeologists who have made a contribution
to the Australian archaeology.
- Iain Davidson
- Jim Allen
- Judy Birmingham
- Diane Barwick
- Peter Coutts
- Roger Cribb
- William
(Bill) Culican
- Vere
Gordon Childe