viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Australian Social Customs

This term means the common or usual way Australian behave in their day-to-day life. As a tolerant society with people from many cultures, each person is encouraged to maintain and share their cultural beliefs and practices. At the same time, we respect the right of others to do the same.
·         There are some examples about Australian social customs:

  • When meeting someone for the first time, it is usual to shake the person's right hand with your right hand. People who do not know each other generally do not kiss or hug when meeting. When you first meet someone, it is polite not to talk about personal matters.
  •   'Please' and 'thank you' are words that are very helpful when dealing with other people, and buying goods or services. When asked if you would like something, like a cup of tea, it is polite to say, 'Yes please', or just 'please' if you would like it, or 'no, thank you' if you do not. When you receive something, it is polite to thank the person by saying 'thank you'. Australians tend to think that people who do not say 'please' or 'thank you' are being rude. Using these words will help in building a good relationship.
  • Much common word usage or 'slang' may seem strange to people new to Australia. Slang words start from many different sources. Some words are shortened versions of longer words. Many were expressions already used by migrants who came from the north of England. If you are unsure what an expression means, it is all right to ask the person who said it to explain. Some common expressions are:

Bring a plate
when you are invited to a party and asked to 'bring a plate', this means to bring a dish of food to share with your host and other guests. Take the food to the party in any type of dish, not just a plate, and it is usually ready to serve. This is common for communal gatherings such as for school, work or a club. If you are unsure what to bring, you can ask the host.

when an invitation to a party says 'BYO', this means 'bring your own' drink. If you do not drink alcohol, it is acceptable to bring juice, soft drink or soda, or water. Some restaurants are BYO. You can bring your own wine to these, although there is usually a charge for providing and cleaning glasses called 'corkage'.

This is short for afternoon. 'Drop by this arvo,' means please come and visit this afternoon.

This term describes a two weeks period.

  • Australia Day, January 26, is the day we as a people and place celebrate our nationhood. The day is a public holiday. The day marks the founding of the first settlement in our nation by European people.

Australians' worldview about their own community

When it comes to their own country, Australians have a very positive view. They think their country is just “on the right track”. They have not been beaten by any crisis, they seem to be happy about their education and health system.

When it comes to politics, Australians seem to be quite satisfied as well. Most people in Australia think that their representative democracy has taken the best from both American and British governments and combined them into a very successful system. They also seem to be alright with having a Constitutional Monarchy, that is to say, a Queen who resides in The United Kingdom is represented in Australia by a Governor-General.

Australians’ behaviour in their day-to-day life is quite difficult to describe since people from all over the world share the streets every day. However, Australian society is best described as a very tolerant society with people from many cultures where each person is encouraged to maintain and share their cultural beliefs and practices. At the same time, they respect the right of others to do the same.

'Please' and 'thank you' are words that Australian considered to be very important and helpful when dealing with other people, and buying goods or services.
When meeting someone for the first time, Australians usually shake the other person's right hand with your right hand. People who are meeting for the first time do not kiss or hug. When you first meet someone, it is considered to be better not to talk about personal matters.

When talking to a person Australians generally look at the eyes of the other person. They consider this a sign of respect, and an indication that they are listening. But try not to stare at the person for a long time. That would make them feel uncomfortable.

For all those social norms they have, Australian considered their society as a very organised and very polite one.

Australians daily activities

This varies enormously as Australians have many different roles in Australian life. Australia is a western nation in terms of culture, so if you are familiar with life in Britain or America, it is basically like that. Children go to school from the age of about 5, and their school day starts at around 8:30 am and ends at around 3-3:30 Monday to Friday. Many people also start work around this time, or 9 am until 5 pm... again there is wide variation.

There are three main meals in the day, called breakfast, the midday meal is called lunch, and the evening meal - usually at 6pm or so - is called tea. Either of the last two meals can be called 'dinner' as well.
Saturday for many people is a day of sport, and Sunday is increasingly becoming so as well. Cricket is popular in the summer, and football in the winter - Rugby in the Eastern states, and Aussie Rules in the other states and Victoria. Garage sales, markets and gardening are also popular weekend activities.

Most Australians are urban dwellers, and despite the stereotypes, do not live a rural lifestyle. For those that do, daily life is like most farmers, dependent on the season. For Australian farmers, keeping up to date with rainfall predictions and forecasts is often a daily activity, and at the present time is not a very encouraging one. Much time is taken, especially in drought conditions, to feeding the stock, and ensuring a water supply. With crops, many simply have to watch them die....and in extreme cases, this applies to animals as well.

In the following video you will find an Australian young girl talking about her country and education.

In the following video you will find images beautiful of Australia made by the  the same girl in the above video.

Main Social Norms

Australian rules of social etiquette are a little different from most countries around the world. The rules do not relate to how a fork should be held, or who should be served first at a dinner table. Instead, most of Australia's rules relate to expressing equality. Basically, as long as you appreciate that Australians want to be treated as equal irrespective of their social, racial or financial background, anything is acceptable.
Displays of wealth may be seen as signs of superiority and frowned upon accordingly. Likewise, the acceptance of generosity may be seen as a sign of bludging or inferiority. Likewise, it may be frowned upon.
The relaxed attitude of Australians has been known to cause problems. Because Australians are difficult to offend, they are not sensitive to causing offence in others. To outsiders, Australians often appear very blunt and rude. They tend to call a spade a spade when perhaps more tact is required.
Furthermore, because Australians see people as equal, they frequently offend international visitors who feel a more respectful attitude is warranted. Australians may refer to some foreigners as "mate" instead of using more respectful titles such as your honour, sir, madam, mrs, mr, ms, lord, and your highness. Likewise, cricketer Dennis Lillee expressed his egalitarian sentiments when he greeted Queen Elizabeth using the words: "G'day, how ya goin'?"
"There is no better way of life in the world than that of the Australian. I firmly believe this. The grumbling, growling, cursing, profane, laughing, beer drinking, abusive, loyal-to-his-mates Australian is one of the few free men left on this earth. He fears no one, crawls to no one, bludgers on no one, and acknowledges no master. Learn his way. Learn his language. Get yourself accepted as one of him; and you will enter a world that you never dreamed existed. And once you have entered it, you will never leave it." Nino Culotta - They're a weird mob, 1957

The rounds at the pub

The social rules of the round or shout are perhaps the most important of all social rules that need to be mastered. A round is where one individual will pay for the drinks of the other members of the drinking party. Once the drinks have been drunk, another member of the drinking party will get the next round. Every member of the drinking party must buy the same number of rounds.
Like splitting the bill at a restaurant, there is no consideration given to each member's financial status, background or to their gender.
The round is also a reason why non-sexual relationships between men and women are very common in Australia. A lone woman can go out drinking with men and provided she buys her round, she will be treated as one of the boys. In other cultures around the world, if a woman goes out drinking with men, she will generally be seen as an indecent woman.

Main Typical Social Ceremonies of Australia

Citizenship ceremonies

The final step in the journey to become an Australian citizen, for most people, is to make the Australian Citizenship Pledge at an Australian citizenship ceremony. Once your application has been approved, you will be invited to attend your ceremony.
Citizenship ceremonies are special events. They fulfil requirements under Australian citizenship law. They also provide an important opportunity to officially welcome new citizens as full members of the Australian community. They are often an emotional experience for the new citizen, as well as their host and guests.
An Australian citizenship affirmation ceremony often follows a citizenship ceremony, giving everyone present an opportunity to publicly affirm their loyalty to Australia in a similar way to new citizens.

There is the link of an example of this ceremony:

Anzac Day

Anzac Day is on April 25 the day the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) landed at Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915 during World War 1. This day is set apart to hold dear the memory of those who fought for our nation and those who lost their life to war. The day is a public holiday. We remember with ceremonies, wreath laying and military parades.

There is the link of this ceremony in 2009:

Birth ceremonies in Aboriginal society

In Aboriginal communities there are particular ceremonies associated with the birth of a child. These ceremonies usually involve a feast and gift exchanging. In historical times, “birthdays” (as an annual recognition of birth) were not generally celebrated; however, today many Aboriginal people enjoy birthday celebrations in the same way as other Australians. The particular ceremonies associated with the birth of a child create the tapestry for how a child will live and interact within the world. Ceremonies and birth rights cannot be seen in isolation as they are intrinsically linked to totems, kinship lores, marriage rules, social cohesion and environmental sustainability. 
It is important to recognise that there is a diverse range of Aboriginal birth ceremonies throughout Australia. Local cultural practices and lores are unique to each language group. The examples presented below are generalisations only. Specific information on birthing ceremonies should be sought from Aboriginal people. 


Aboriginal ceremonies (known to most people as corroborees) are dramatic representations, in mime and song, of the mythical history of the tribe. These ceremonies have many functions and take many forms.
There are the non-secret rituals performed in the camp at night, before an enthusiastic audience of men, women and children. A group of adult men, seated around a small fire, will chant one or another of the ancient songs, while others, their bodies decorated with strange symbols, portray , in a series of spectacular dances, the incidents in the myth.
The ceremonies of the youths, at which no fully adult male or any women are present, are the most important to the participants. In these, the young actors, their bodies decorated with the creature they represent, mime the episodes of their creation during mythical times. These rituals, many of them of considerable beauty, are the youth's first step toward their integration into the life and responsibilities of the men.
Nothing is neglected in these ceremonies to teach the youths the rules and philosophy of the tribe and the obligations that accompany them; trials of fortitude and the air of secrecy that surrounds every phase of the rituals are designed so to impress the youths that neither the rituals, nor their associated meanings, will ever be forgotten. They will guide his behaviour as long as he lives.

Religious and profane beliefs

An Aborigine from the Tiwi tribe in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, stands beside painted funeral totems. Phases of funerary rites are often explicitly devoted to symbolic acts that send ancestral spirits back to their places of origin where they assume responsibility for the wellbeing of the world they have left behind. CHARLES AND JOSETTE LENARS/CORBIS

There are many different myths that speak of the origins and consequences of death across Aboriginal Australia. Even some of the earliest accounts of classical Aboriginal religion probably unknowingly describes the mythologies that had incorporated Christian themes.

Aboriginals believe in multiple human souls, which are divided into two categories: one is comparable to a western ego-self-created, which accompanies the body and is the identity of the person, and one that comes from "The Dreaming" and / or God. The latter arises from ancestral totem.
At death, the two types of soul have different trajectories and fates

The egoic soul initially becomes a dangerous ghost that remains near the deceased's body and property. It eventually passes into nonexistence, either by dissolution or by travel to a distant place of no consequence for the living. Its absence is often marked by destruction or abandonment of the deceased's property and a long-term ban on the use of the deceased person's name by the living. Ancestral souls, however, are eternal. They return to the environment and to the sites and ritual paraphernalia associated with specific totemic beings and/or with God.

Religious and profane rituals

1. Initiation rite.

 Aboriginal tribes from Australia, often force the adolescent man between 16 and 17 years to a procedure that is considered as one of the most barbaric hazing in the world. Basically the boy should be held somewhere alone, and must spend at least 6 hours making songs originating culture. The purpose of this is that this quiet young when the rite of passage takes place, the wizard of the tribe performs a circumcision without anesthesia and the young should not show any feeling of pain as it is considered a coward who does not deserve to be part of the tribe.
But the service does not end here, because a week after he hits a hole through the sexual orno young to insert is achieved in a kind of chip will prevent the duct closes by itself. This initiation rite symbolizes the passage of the "man child".

2. The "Mardayin" ceremony.

The "Mardayin" ceremony is performed all over Arnhem Land, where it is also known as "Maraian" and, when performed, attracts men from far afield; they re-enact the myths in a festival that takes place over a number of weeks. In Numbulwar, an Aboriginal community on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Carpentaria, the ceremony is also known as "Ngarrag". Here too the community is made up of two moieties, called Dua (or Dhuwa) and Yirritja; during the ceremonial cycle rituals are conducted during late afternoon. Actors of the Dua moiety perform first, followed by the Yirritja men. Men are painted with designs representing their "Dreaming" or clan association. There are many different rituals, some taking place on a secret ceremonial ground, only to be seen by men; others may be seen by all. The ceremony culminates in ritual bathing, in which everybody, men, women and children, go to the beach and immerse themselves, dancing in the sea and washing off the ochre and clay with which they were ritually painted; this way the actors, men and women, re-enacting the deeds of the Dreamtime beings in the mythical past, leave the designs sung and painted on their bodies behind and re-emerge from the water as people again. The ceremony can be considered a festival for the souls of men and for the Dreaming places of the shades of the species of nature.

The traditional Míddjarn ceremonial dance of the Ndjébbana people is carried out by men and boys in the school grounds at Maningrida Aboriginal community on the north coast of Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory. It is a serious ceremony, but also fun for the children to participate in. Everyone is welcome to attend this ceremony.

3. Wedding ceremony.
A wedding ceremony in Australia is followed by a reception, dinner or a party for the couple and their friends and families. Often held in a reception center or other public facility recruited for that purpose, wedding receptions can also be held at the home of the bride or groom.

Characteristic elements include music, dance, song, food and drink, and speeches and toasts by father of the bride, best man and the bride. It is the duty of the best man to read out the telegrams, cards, letters and faxes from people either absent on this occasion.

In the past, these messages may have been suggestive of playfulness, though this feature seems to have disappeared from the contemporary observance of the custom.
Gifts for newlyweds usually shown at the reception.

It is important to note the dramatic changes in marriage practices in Australia, even in the last twenty years, and its consequent effect on wedding customs. These changes have been documented by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and the changes from the 2001 Census shows, such as the increase in non-church weddings.

Civil celebrants performed 53% of marriages in 2001, and of all marriages, 32% of all marriages, the church and the celebrant, is estimated to end in divorce.

In the same survey, 72% of couples said they had cohabited before marriage, but this does not prevent many of these couples eventually hold a legal marriage, sometimes with their children present, simple or elaborate ceremonies, which can be
prepared by the bride and groom.

Another notable change in Australian society is the high rate of marriages between couples of different ethnic backgrounds. All these changes suggest that social commentators, have to be careful not to make statements about marriage or weddings in Australia.

4.Easter Monday.
 Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday, which celebrates Jesus’ resurrection, according to Christian belief. Many Orthodox Christian churches in Australia often observe Easter Monday at a later date than the Easter Monday date observed by many western churches. The day is also known as Bright Monday.

 Bright Monday is a day of reflection for many Orthodox Christians in Australia. Many people reflect on the events that occurred during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday. Easter Monday is a day to finish leftover Easter meals that were not eaten the day

before. Some Orthodox Christian churches in Australia have Bright Monday liturgies and some of these liturgies are held early in the morning.

 5.Shrove Tuesday.

Shrove Tuesday refers to the day before Ash Wednesday, and is the last day before the beginning of Lent. Although derived from the word shrove or confessed shrive, which means to repent, or have repented, Mardi Gras is not typically associated with repentance. Instead, it is usually a big day for celebrations and glutton consumed cooking ingredients for sweets during Lent many give.

Australia celebrates Mardi Gras as Pancake Day. Pancakes are enjoyed and eaten with sweet ingredients. Used to luxury ingredients like eggs and flour this could be facilitated during lent. Many people who do not meet borrowed join Pancake Day celebrations because they are simply fun.

Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime

The time period when only Aboriginal people resided in Australia- prior to the invasion of the Europeans is known as Dreamtime is a term used to describe the mystical time when the Aboriginal people established their world. The myths are seen as being absolutely truthful and inhabit everyone in the Australian culture. These myths are comparable to the American mythology and explain the creation of natural things such as the sun, etc. The Aboriginal Dreamtime is part of the culture that explains the origins of the people and of the land. Dreamtime includes a story of how things have happened, how the universe came to be, how humans were created, and how the Creator intended for humans to function in this world. Essentially, Dreamtime is the Aboriginal Religion and Culture.

In the animist framework of Australian Aboriginal mythology, The Dreaming is a sacred era in which ancestral Totemic Spirit Beings formed The Creation.

"Dreaming" is also often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality. For instance, an indigenous Australian might say that he or she has Kangaroo Dreaming, or Shark Dreaming, or Honey Ant Dreaming, or any combination of Dreamings pertinent to their "country". Many Indigenous Australians also refer to the Creation time as "The Dreaming". The Dreamtime laid down the patterns of life for the Aboriginal people.

Dreaming stories vary throughout Australia, with variations on the same theme. For example, the story of how the birds got their colors is different in New South Wales and in Western Australia. Stories cover many themes and topics, as there are stories about creation of sacred places, land, people, animals and plants, law and custom. It is a complex network of knowledge, faith, and practices that derive from stories of creation. It pervades and informs all spiritual and physical aspects of an indigenous Australian's life.

They believe that every person essentially exists eternally in the Dreaming. This eternal part existed before the life of the individual begins, and continues to exist when the life of the individual ends. Both before and after life, it is believed that this spirit-child exists in the Dreaming and is only initiated into life by being born through a mother. The spirit of the child is culturally understood to enter the developing fetus during the fifth month of pregnancy.

Australian Aboriginal Mythology

Australian Aboriginal myths (also known as Dreamtime stories, Songlines or Aboriginal oral literature) are the stories traditionally performed by Aboriginal peoples within each of the language groups across Australia.

How the Sun Was Made (myth)

For a long time there was no sun, only a moon and stars. That was before there were men on the earth, only birds and beasts, all of which were many sizes larger than they are now.

One day Dinewan the emu and Brolga the native companion were on a large plain near the Murrumbidgee. There they were, quarrelling and fighting. Brolga, in her rage, rushed to the nest of Dinewan and seized from it one of the huge eggs, which she threw with all her force up to the sky. There it broke on a heap of firewood, which burst into flame as the yellow yolk spilled all over it, and lit up the world below to the astonishment of every creature on it. They had been used to the semi-darkness and were dazzled by such brightness.

A good spirit who lived in the sky saw how bright and beautiful the earth looked when lit up by this blaze. He thought it would be a good thing to make a fire every day, and from that time he has done so. All night he and his attendant spirits collect wood and heap it up. When the heap is nearly big enough they send out the morning star to warn those on earth that the fire will soon be lit.

The spirits, however, found this warning was not sufficient, for those who slept saw it not. Then the spirits thought someone should make some noise at dawn to herald the coming of the sun and waken the sleepers. But for a long time they could not decide to whom should be given this office.

At last one evening they heard the laughter of Goo-goor-gaga, the laughing jackass, ringing through the air. "That is the noise we want," they said.
Then they told Goo-goor-gaga that, as the morning star faded and the day dawned, he was every morning to laugh his loudest, that his laughter might awaken all sleepers before sunrise. If he would not agree to do this, then no more would they light the sun-fire, but let the earth be ever in twilight again.
But Goo-goor-gaga saved the light for the world.
He agreed to laugh his loudest at every dawn of every day, and so he has done ever since, making the air ring with his loud cackling, "Goo goor gaga, goo goor gaga, goo goor gaga."

When the spirits first light the fire it does not throw out much heat. But by the middle of the day, when the whole heap of firewood is in a blaze, the heat is fierce. After that it begins to die gradually away until, at sunset, only red embers are left. They quickly die out, except a few the spirits cover up with clouds and save to light the heap of wood they get ready for the next day.

Children are not allowed to imitate the laughter of Goo-goor-gaga, lest he should hear them and cease his morning cry.

If children do laugh as he does, an extra tooth grows above their eye-tooth, so that they carry the mark of their mockery in punishment for it. Well the good spirits know that if ever a time comes when the Goo-goor-gagas cease laughing to herald the sun, then no more dawns will be seen in the land, and darkness will reign once more.


Australian Traditions


Australia celebrates many of the same holidays as do people of the Western world, such as Easter and Christmas. However, Australians also celebrate some holidays unique to their country and culture.

Christmas: Australia’s version of the holiday Christmas varies with other countries’ holiday partly due to the fact that Christmas is celebrated in the summer. It is seen as being a family holiday that brings variation to the holiday as well. Each family has their own personal traditions, as do they in most countries.

Western Australian Christmas Tree

Family: Families celebrate with relays in swimming pools, water gun fights, or backyard cricket. Father Christmas/Santa Claus is usually pictured in a swimming costume and a cool drink is left out for him by children at night. School is let out a week prior to Christmas for summer break and resumes after Australia Day on January 26.

Decorations: Homes are not decorated as heavily as in some cultures but there are two traditional native plants used for the occasion: The NSW Christmas bush and Christmas bells.

Food: Meals include hot turkey, Christmas pudding, seafood, cold turkey and ham for salads, Panforte and panettone (Christmas cake), mince pies, ice cream.

Anzac Day- April 25

Anzac stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and the holiday is set aside to honor Australians who have died in wars. It is probably considered the most important national occasion. Veterans celebrate by marching through the streets of cities in the morning and share drinks and memories in the afternoon. This day is very special to Australians and commemorative services begin at dawn. These ceremonies are held at war memorials around the country of Australia. During the day, the ceremonies always include an introduction, a hymn, a prayer, and address, laying of wreaths, recitation, a period of silence, and the National Anthem.

                                                                               Anzac Day

Australia Day, January 26th

This holiday commemorates the anniversary of the day in 1788 when the English declared Australia a new colony. It is celebrated with parties, picnics, and fireworks and coincides with the last days of summer vacation. This is considered a family holiday.

                                                                Australia day, January 26th
Boxing Day, December 26th

This day is a public holiday and the majority of Australians spend it on the beach. Some see this day as a day to extend the Christmas break
                                                                                 Boxing day
Due to the mild weather, Australians tend to wear light clothing. In the workplace, people dress to stay cool which consists of long socks and tailored shorts instead of slacks. People dress stylishly in the city and in the workplace, but tend to dress down in jeans and sneakers for the weekends.

Children must wear uniforms at school and sunscreen all year round. Having a suntan is a sign of foolishness because Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world


Seafood is abundant and popular in Australia along with large portions of meat such as beef or lamb roasts. Australia also is known for its wonderful fruits and vegetables.

The wine industry is prevalent in the south of the country. A typical day of meals for Australians could look something like the following:

Breakfast: cereal and toast or eggs and bacon

Lunch: sandwiches, salad, and fruit

Main Meal: meat or seafood with vegetables, dessert (Brewer).

Traditional Australian foods:

Vegemite: black spread made from yeast extract plus salt and is spread on toast or sandwiches. Children are brought up eating it from babyhood.

Meat Pie: approximately 260 million meat pies are eaten by Australians every year.

Pavola: dessert with a soft meringue with fruit and cream filling.
